
Pacifica uses lush foliage, bold textures and colours to create a uniquely New Zealand tropical feel. To have a truly subtropical garden, there are many limiting factors including location, rainfall and using more obscure plants.

However, using mainly New Zealand native species with perhaps some exotic plants suitable for your site, a Pacifica atmosphere can be created.

Mature nikau palms may not be suitable for you, so they can be replaced with an exotic palm or another tree altogether. A very frosty location may not be suitable for this look, as some of the larger-leaved plants can be tender.

Pacifica conjures up thoughts of balmy summer evenings and strolls in the moonlight. A Pacifica garden near the barbeque or pool would create a wonderful atmosphere.

Paths laid with shells or edged with wood, small piles of stones, pots, bold sculpture or carvings and lighting would enhance this area.

Enjoy creating Pacifica in your garden.